Sunday, September 14, 2008

Welcome to Your Life, 2.0

For awhile now, I've been embarrassed to admit that I'd heard the phrase "Web 2.0", but didn't exactly know what it meant.  Recently, a friend (thanks Jeff) explained it in a very simple way.  The first phase of the web (version 1.0) was more of a monologue.  Companies would tell you about themselves through their web pages and their About Us pages.

Web 2.0 began a new phase where interaction between customers and companies began.  Whether it was through online forums or blogs with comments, customers became part of the dialogue with the company.

So as I thought about the 2.0 version as an advanced and more complex stage, I thought about so many of the wonderful moms I know who have made the choice to stay home with their kids. (I know a lot of wonderful moms who have made the choice to go back to work too, but that's a different story.)

As the kids get older, some of the moms start thinking about what their next phase will be.  Will they return to work?  Will they go to school?  Will they continue to be at home?  

This next phase is the 2.0 phase.  The more advanced and complex stage of our lives when we realize there are still decisions to make about our next steps.

This blog is a place to share those thoughts, ideas, concerns and fears as we "upgrade" our lives.

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